M. Allalen teaches on a wide range of LRZ's technical training courses including Molecular Modelling, High-Performance Computing with GPGPUs.
- Deep Learning and GPU programming workshop. Learn how to train and deploy a neural network to solve real-world problems how to generate effective descriptions of content within images and video clips, how to effectively parallelize training of deep neural networks on Multi-GPUs and how to accelerate your applications with CUDA C/C++ and OpenACC.
Deep Learning and GPU programming workshop@LRZ
- Code optimisation: Code optimization and and new programming languages and paradigms become the main route to keep pace with hardware advancements and effectively make use of novel architectures and upcoming High Performance Computing systems. The course covers various programming and optimisation techniques for Intel Xeon processors in particular the vector units via SIMD programming and AVX-512 optimization and the memory hierarchy.
- High-Performance Computing with GPGPUs:
"Heterogeneous GPGPU computing offers great potential to accelerate applications substatially. This programming workshop includes hands-on sessions and gives examples of application and an introduction to the use of CUDA and the Portland Group Fortran Compiler, amongst others".
- Introduction to Molecular Modelling GMOL1S09:
"The course gives an introduction into the simulation
of molecules based on several software packages
(both classical and quantum-mechanical: e.g. NAMD, VMD and CPMD)
on the supercomputer at LRZ Garching. The course includes an
introduction to the remote visualisation services at LRZ as well as hands-on sessions.",
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All content: © @Momme Allalen, last modification: 12. 03. 2011